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Seven Best cleaning tips for your windows

Cleaning your windows without the help of a professional window cleaner can be quite tedious, messy, time-consuming, and frustrating without the right cleaning agents and equipment. 

However, for reasons you might want to clean your windows all by yourself, you will need the right windows cleaning tips and suggestions to help you achieve your dream of sparkling clean windows. 

Seven Best Cleaning tips for your windows

1. Clean only when the weather is favorable

the Favorable weather for cleaning is dry and cloudy with very low intensity. For days when the weather is not dry and cloudy, you can start Windows cleaning by cleaning the windows in the shady part of the house. 

Cleaning your windows when the weather is dry and cloudy prevents the cleaner from drying up and leaving stains or streaks on your windows before wiping the windows dry. It also saves you from unnecessary exposure to high-intensity sunlight.

2. Dust your windows before starting

Sweep dirt from your windows and frames with a sweeping brush. When using a vacuum cleaner, use the dusting attachment to clean off the dirt from the windows and frames. This prevents the formation of hard-to-clean dark stains on your windows when dirt mixes with your cleaner.

3. Wash or dust your window blinds or curtains if they look dirty

For washing your windows screen or curtains, you should use hot water and a soft brush to scrub. Rinse before drying. 

To refresh your curtains, use a dryer to subject your curtains to ‘air-only’ for 15 minutes. Keep the curtains straightened to protect it from wrinkles.

 For windows shades or blinds, use a damp cloth to wipe off dirt before drying with a dry towel.  Or you can use a microfiber duster to dust off the dirt from your window blinds and shades.

4. Spray your windows generously with the right cleaner

Applying a generous amount of cleaner when cleaning your windows dissolves any dirt or stubborn streaks quickly, leaving your windows sparkling clean. 

Before choosing a cleaner, you should consider the type of dirt that is predominant for your windows. If you have a greasy window, you might want to go for a cleaner with strong grease removal property. Also, the right cleaner should form fine mists that stay until you wipe your windows.

For more tips on choosing the right type of cleaner for your windows, visit

5. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe your windows 

Microfiber cloths are highly absorbing, reusable, and also prevent streaks from forming on your windows. Therefore, we suggest you use a microfiber cloth in place of newspapers or paper towels which usually shreds with lint on your windows. 

If you’re using a paper towel, you can consider using paper towels strong enough not to leave lint on your windows.

When wiping, you should wipe one side of the window vertically, and the other side horizontally to help you know on which sides of the window you have streaks if there are any.

6. Do you need to do squeegee?

Squeegee can be quite helpful for cleaning bigger windows. However, the dripping nature of squeegee can make cleaning a bit messy, especially when cleaning smaller windows. Hence, you should consider if you need to do a squeegee while cleaning. 

7. Draw a windows cleaning plan

You should clean your windows once or twice a year. However, It might be impossible to finish cleaning all of the windows with just a day of cleaning due to the stressful nature of window cleaning. 

However, to make it easier, you can make a plan for cleaning the windows according to rooms. This way, you don’t get to wear yourself out with a day of cleaning.


At Ernest Cleaning service, we know what to do to make your windows sparkle. We have the right equipment and personnel with vast experience in windows cleaning. We also work faster and longer hours to give you the desired result.